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Wikileaks retracts Twitter poll speculating about Clinton's health

2024-09-23 02:30:25 [行业动态] 来源:影视网站起名字

Wikileaks, the organization that publishes classified and leaked materials and prides itself on transparency, has walked back a Twitter poll in which it speculated about what may have made Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton nearly faint on Sunday.

SEE ALSO:Clinton camp reveals pneumonia diagnosis after 9/11 event health scare

The poll was posted on Sunday after the incident but before, apparently, the Clinton campaign announced that the incident was caused by pneumonia.

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The poll was later deleted. In a tweet on Sunday evening, the organization said the original poll was "too speculative."

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Earlier in the day, the WikiLeaks account tweeted in response to media coverage of the Clinton incident with a skeptical tone.

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Reaction to the poll was mixed, but many criticized the organization for the speculative nature of the tweet.

SEE ALSO:Hackers have found a way to turn WikiLeaks into a weapon

WikiLeaks has had its share of involvement with Clinton this campaign season, leaking a slew of DNC emails just before the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in late July. Among the leaks were emails that detailed the acrimonious split between the Democratic National Committee and Clinton's former rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders. The emails eventually forced Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down as chairwoman of the DNC.

While some have questioned the connection between Wikileaks and Russia, and, specifically, Russian hackers in the case of the DNC leak, the organization has denied any connection and no evidence supporting the speculation has been produced.

TopicsElectionsHillary Clinton


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