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Klopp says Liverpool must become 'angry' again to rediscover form

2024-09-23 14:37:28 [新闻中心] 来源:影视网站起名字

Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp said his side have nothing to lose in the remainder of the Premier League season following Saturday's 1-1 draw with Newcastle United and must become an "angry" team again in the home stretch to rediscover form.

Champions Liverpool opened the scoring at Anfield inside three minutes through Mohamed Salah but Newcastle substitute Joe Willock equalised in the dying seconds of stoppage time to frustrate the hosts.

The result left Liverpool in sixth with 54 points from 33 games and dealt a blow to their Champions League qualification hopes, with Klopp saying they did not deserve to be in Europe's elite club competition on current form.

The German backed his injury-plagued team to hit top gear again when their first choice defenders including Virgil van Dijk return and supporters are back in the stands but said immediate solutions were needed.

"It's like every player in the world needs momentum and positive feedback from himself and in certain situations, but the long-term solutions are fine," Klopp told reporters.

"The short-term solutions we have to work on. It's not too simplistic to say that (having fans and injured players back will fix problems), I know because when the season is over and some defenders come back we'll all of a sudden play again.

"But we have to become a very tricky team to play against, an angry team in a positive way... and we'll become that again. We now have the chance, definitely nothing to lose anymore, it's like this because now we're in the situation."

Liverpool next visit second-placed Manchester United in the league on May 2.


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