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Welcome to 2016: Here's that Ariana Grande and Stevie Wonder duet

2024-09-22 07:01:40 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

Stevie Wonder and Ariana Grande crank up the cheer in their delightful new collaboration for the animated move Sing.

The soulful track, "Faith," was released Thursday night. It's a brassy number all about love, because who else is more suited than Wonder (and Grande?) to sing about that subject.

SEE ALSO:Ariana Grande shuts down Ryan Seacrest's probing questions

Grande and Wonder's voices work perfectly in sync with each other on top of the upbeat track as they sing about faith in a love that'll get your toes tapping. Ryan Tedder and Benny Blanco both produced the track, according to Rolling Stone.

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"I have no words to express what an honor this is or how excited I am," Grande wrote on an Instagram post announcing the collaboration. "Beyond thankful to be a part of this."

Mashable Games

Sing will hit theaters on December 21, 2016. Check out the trailer below:


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