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Pyongyang's first snow of season leaves white wonderland [PHOTOS]

2024-09-22 12:28:17 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字
North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion,<strong></strong> on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap
North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion, on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap

By Jung Da-min

Pyongyang's first snow of the season fell on Saturday, leaving a heavy covering 96 millimeters deep, Choson Sinbo, a pro-North outlet based in Tokyo, reported Tuesday.

"According to the Hydro-meteorological Service, it snowed from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m. on the day," the Tokyo-based outlet said. "The snowfall is 96 millimeters deep, which is relatively heavy as the first snow of the season during recent years."

On the same day, Seoul had its first snow of the season that left a covering about 88 millimeters deep.

North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion, on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap
Snow covers a field in Moranbong Park, Pyongyang, Saturday. Arirang-Meari via Yonhap

North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion, on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap
Pyongyang citizens walk through Moranbong Park on Saturday. Arirang-Meari via Yonhap

North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion, on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap
Ondal Pavilion in Moranbong Park, Pyongyang, is dusted with snow, Saturday. Arirang-Meari via Yonhap

North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion, on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap
Pyongyang's Moranbong Park was covered in snow on Saturday. Arirang-Meari via Yonhap

North Korean children play in the snow in front of Ryongwang Pavilion, on the banks of the Taedong River, central Pyongyang, Saturday. Rodong Sinmun via Yonhap
The snow-covered Hyonmu Gate in Moranbong Park, Pyongyang, Saturday. Arirang-Meari via Yonhap


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