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Vets thawed a cat that nearly froze to death and saved its life

2024-09-22 01:37:27 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

Fluffy the cat is one lucky furball.

After venturing outside in the Montana snow during last week's polar vortex, Fluffy, an indoor-outdoor cat, nearly froze to death in below zero temperatures. But after her owners found her covered in chunks of ice, they brought her to the Animal Clinic of Kalispell in the nick of time.

"Some clients found their injured cat buried in the snow. They brought her to us essentially frozen and unresponsive," the clinic shared on Facebook alongside photos of the traumatized cat.

SEE ALSO:This cat named Michael Scott is the World's Best Cat

"Her temperature was very low but after many hours she recovered and is now completely normal. Fluffy is amazing!" the clinic added.

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"She was frozen," Andrea Dutter, executive director of the clinic told theWashington Post. "We immediately began to warm her up ... Warm water, heating pads, hot towels."

Within an hour of applying warmth, Fluffy reportedly started "grumbling" at the vets and eventually returned to her old self. Turns out, Fluffy had suffered an injury that prevented her from getting returning home in the snow, which is what caused her to remain outside and freeze.

As you can see in the first photograph, Fluffy appeared petrified under layers of her ice-matted fur. But the post-blow dried photographs show a far more familiar looking cat, full of life and voluminous fluff.

Fluffy's story luckily had a happy ending, but it should serve as an urgent reminder to keep your pets inside during extreme weather conditions.

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