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Top diplomats of NK, Russia discuss 'upcoming political contacts': reports

2024-09-23 03:21:45 [行业动态] 来源:影视网站起名字

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui at the Kremlin in Moscow Tuesday,<strong></strong> in this pool photograph distributed by Russian state agency Sputnik. AFP-Yonhap

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui at the Kremlin in Moscow Tuesday, in this pool photograph distributed by Russian state agency Sputnik. AFP-Yonhap

The top diplomats of North Korea and Russia discussed the schedule of "upcoming political contacts" between their countries during their talks earlier this week, Russian media reported Thursday.

North Korea's Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui held talks with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, in Moscow on Tuesday before meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin later that day amid deepening bilateral ties after their leaders' summit last September.

"There was a thorough exchange of views on topical issues of development of bilateral relations with a focus on implementation of the agreements of the September summit of the leaders of the two countries at the Vostochny spaceport, including the schedule of upcoming political contacts," Russia's state-run news agency TASS quoted the ministry as saying.

During the September summit in eastern Russia, Putin accepted North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's invitation to visit his country. The ministry, however, did not offer details on the "upcoming political contacts."

On the situation on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia, the ministers confirmed their commitment to settling tensions in the region, which they described as being fueled by "irresponsible provocative actions of the United States and its satellites," TASS quoted the ministry as saying.

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On Wednesday, Choe also met with Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak and discussed expanding cooperation in trade and the economy, according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

"The talk discussed the practical issues for revitalizing and expanding the bilateral exchange and cooperation in various fields including trade and economy as the DPRK-Russia friendly and cooperative relations have reached a new strategic level," the KCNA reported in an English-language dispatch.

DPRK stands for the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Choe wrapped up her five-day trip to Russia on Thursday, according to the Russian ministry.

Following Choe's meeting with Putin, the Kremlin said Russia was keen on developing relations further with North Korea in all areas, including "sensitive ones."

In a photo released by foreign media before her meeting with Putin, one of the members of the North Korean delegation was pictured holding a document apparently titled, "Observation list in space technology field," in Korean.

The list appears to include the Progress Rocket Space Centre and the Voronezh Mechanical Plant, known to produce engines, although the writing is not completely clear.

The document suggests possible ongoing cooperation between the two sides in space technology after Putin indicated at the September summit that his country would help Pyongyang build satellites.

Washington and its allies have accused the North of providing arms support to Moscow for use in its war in Ukraine in return for Russia's assistance in Pyongyang's advanced weapons development. (Yonhap)


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