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N. Korea warns of nuclear capabilities as S. Korea, US, Japan up military cooperation

2024-09-23 04:40:25 [关于我们] 来源:影视网站起名字

Naval vessels from South Korea, the United States and Japan conduct joint training in the waters southeast of Jeju Island on Oct. 10. Courtesy of Republic of Korea Navy

By Kim Hyun-bin

North Korea criticized the ongoing military cooperation among South Korea, the United States and Japan on Sunday, issuing a warning that the situation could potentially lead to a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula.

The Rodong Sinmun, the North's main newspaper, said that the trilateral military cooperation between South Korea, the United States and Japan has entered a "very dangerous stage" and that no one can ensure this military campaign is not leading to "a nuclear war and the third world war."

"Who can provide assurance that the zealous push by the United States and its allies to advance their trilateral military alliance won't lead to the initiation of a nuclear war and the expansion of the third world war?" the newspaper said.

The publication criticized the South Korea-U.S.-Japan military partnership, saying it is heavily influenced by the U.S. and portrays the U.S. and Japan as the main causes of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The the three allies concurred on the resumption and regular conduct of joint military exercises during the Shangri-La Dialogue, a prominent Asian defense forum held in Singapore in June.

Furthermore, during the trilateral summit in August, which involved the United States, South Korea and Japan, there was a shared commitment to enhance security cooperation in response to North Korean nuclear and missile threats.

Last month, a joint maritime blockade exercise between the three allies was conducted for the first time in seven years in the southeastern waters off Jeju Island.

The North Korean newspaper reinforced its stance, saying, "We have established a formidable national defense capability centered around nuclear power to safeguard our nation's sovereignty and the well-being of our people against the instigation of invasion wars by the United States and its allies. Our nation's defensive military activities stand as the most dependable guarantee for deterring hostile provocations and upholding peace and security in the region."

Ahead of the Rodong Sinmun's report, Pyongyang’s state-controlled Korean Central News Agency published an article, Saturday, expressing concerns that the trilateral military partnership could be a latent factor with the potential to plunge the situation on the Korean Peninsula into uncontrollable chaos.


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