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Seoul calls on N.K. to explain its stance on denuclearization

2024-09-23 14:37:53 [新闻中心] 来源:影视网站起名字
South Korea’s Defense Ministry said Monday it has responded to North Korea’s latest offer for military talks by calling on Pyongyang to make its stance on denuclearization clear.

The government also said denuclearization steps should be a top priority in any inter-Korean dialogue.

Seoul earlier referred to Pyongyang’s calls to hold a working-level meeting with South Korea in late May or early June in preparation for military talks as a proposal without sincerity and a propaganda ploy.

“We expressed regret that North Korea proposed to hold military talks without any mention of its nuclear problem,” Moon Sang-gyun, ministry spokesman, told a regular press briefing. “We will firmly keep the stance that the North’s steps toward denuclearization should be a top priority when it comes to dialogue with Pyongyang.”

He said that North Korea should show its commitment to denuclearization and take practical actions if the North hopes to bring peace and stability to the divided peninsula.

The North’s charm offensive toward Seoul was in line with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s offer to hold inter-Korean military talks made at the country’s recently concluded rare party congress.

During the four daylong gathering, Kim declared his country a “responsible” nuclear weapons state in a clear sign that he has no intention of abandoning its nuclear program.

North Korea insists that its nuclear program is a powerful deterrent against what it claims is Washington’s hostile policy toward its sovereignty.

“If we accept the North’s dialogue offer, it could weaken the international community’s collaboration in slapping tougher sanctions on the North,” Moon said.

The official said Seoul’s response to Pyongyang’s proposal was made through the Seohae military hotline. (Yonhap)


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