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Fidel Castro died and people won't stop talking about Liam Neeson

2024-09-22 13:44:24 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

After former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, passed away on Friday, people thought it would be the perfect time to discuss his uncanny resemblance to actor, Liam Neeson.

Following the news, side-by-side shots of Castro and Neeson began flooding social media, as did jokes of Neeson's shoo-in role as the lead in a future Fidel Castro biopic.

SEE ALSO:Social media captures Miami celebrating after Fidel Castro's death

Seriously, people couldn't stop talking about the facial similarities the former Cuban President shared with Bryan Mills from Taken,Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace and of course, that sweet dad from Love Actually.

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In their defense, the facial hair and withering stares do look remarkably alike.

And for all those wondering, the real Liam Neeson is alive, well and hopefully considering a biopic in his future.

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