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Virus spread continues to slow, 76 new infections reported

2024-09-23 14:31:21 [关于我们] 来源:影视网站起名字

South Korea reported 76 new cases of coronavirus and three more deaths on Sunday, bringing the nation’s total infections to 8,162 and death toll to 75, according to health authorities.

New infections dropped below 100 for the first time in over three weeks since Feb. 21.

Of the new cases, 45 were confirmed in the southeastern city of Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province at the heart of the country’s virus outbreak.

In the aftermath of mass transmission at a call center in Guro-gu, southwest Seoul, the metropolitan area confirmed 22 new cases, including nine in Seoul, 11 in Gyeonggi Province and two in Incheon.

Other cases include three each in Busan and North Chungcheong Province as well as one each in Gwangju, Ulsan and Sejong.

According to the government data, Daegu and North Gyeongsang accounted for 88.1 percent of the country’s coronavirus cases with 6,031 and 1,157, respectively, largely due to widespread transmission among followers of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Daegu City.

Among the infected people, female accounted for 61.6 percent. By age, those in their 20s’ made up the largest portion with 28.2 percent, followed by those in 50s’ (19.2 percent), in 40s (14 percent) and 60s (12.4 percent).

The death rate for the novel coronavirus here is 0.92 percent, lower than the global rate of 3.4 percent reported by the World Health Organization on March 4.

President Moon Jae-in is set to designate Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province as special disaster zones upon request from governors of the respective areas.

Once the president approves it, the government will investigate the damage situation and establish a recovery plan and support 50 percent of the recovery cost. Residents’ livelihood and housing stability costs, relief gold for deaths, injuries and others, will be also provided. Reduction benefits on electricity bills, health insurance premiums, communication fees and city gas charges too will be given to the residents.

By Park Han-na (hnpark@heraldcorp.com)


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