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Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet deal

2024-09-23 23:32:42 [新闻中心] 来源:影视网站起名字

SAVE $80:As of Jan. 8, you can score an Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet for just $199.99, down from $279.99, at Amazon. That's $80 off or a 29% discount.

Amazon Fire Max 11 tabletOpens in a new windowCredit: AmazonOur pick: Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet

If you're on the hunt for a new tablet, the Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet is a pretty good option. (It's also a Mashable Choice winner.) It has a large display, 14-hour battery life, and a powerful processor, so you can stream, scroll, and read without lag or interruptions.

Right now, the Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet is on sale for just $199.99 (that's the lowest we've seen it since Prime Day). That's an $80 discount off the listing price and a budget-friendly price for a high-quality tablet.

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According to Mashable's SaVanna Shoemaker, this tablet is ideal for browsing no matter how many tabs you have open. However, it's a bit limited by the Amazon Appstore, which has a smaller selection than the Google Play Store. So, if you're planning on using it to work (and you use Google Drive), you may want to consider an alternative tablet. But if you just need an affordable tablet to stream media, browse the web, and read books, the Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet isn't a bad choice at all, especially at $199.



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