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Here are the 20 best tweets from this week because why not?

2024-09-23 11:23:39 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

Another week of quarantine, another week of tweets.

We've been collecting the best tweets for three weeks — or was it months, who knows, time is a construct in quar— to try to help you get a brief bit of joy via posts on Twitter dot com.

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So, without further hemming or hawwing, here they are, the 20 best tweets from this week. Well, they're 20 tweets I liked. Anyways, here you go.

1. We're all doing the best we can living online these days

2. Enjoy singing this in your head for the rest of the day

3. I prefer center-cut

4. Three weeks, three days, three hours, it's all the same in quarantine, so who cares really?

5. Kendall Jenner just going for it

6. Relatedly, understanding this post takes knowledge of both the Kardashian Cinematic Universe and basketball things — but if you get it, it's a devastating tweet. And it pains me to admit that as a big fan of Ben Simmons.

7. Simple and perfect

8. Good pup

9. Not even sure what to say here. Just look at it.

10. OK, fine this is technically from last week but I make the rules here and I wanted to include it. Get off my case.

11. Honestly having a routine helps during the pandemic

12. Obligatory dril tweet

13. Important

14. Vibes

15. Danny Trejo x Animal Crossing? Sure.

16. The AI-generated memes are good

17. Coming in HOT

18. But really... this is real

19. Oh nooooooooooo

20. And finally, this amazing feat


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