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Pierce Brosnan drinking a latte of his own face is extremely good

2024-09-21 22:53:45 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

This is One Good Thing, a weekly column where we tell you about one of the few nice things that happened this week.

Pierce Brosnan is not a celebrity who you'd expect to have an excellent Instagram. Luckily, this ruined world still has a few surprises up its sleeve.

In a moment that really turned being online around for me this week, the former James Bond Instagrammed a video of himself drinking a latte of his own face. It was taken by Brosnan's The Misfitsco-star Jamie Chung. (That's who's cracking up at the end.) Give her an Oscar!

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The clip works for a number of reasons, foremost among which is Brosnan's extremely good smirk as he stirs (not shakes) his own foam visage into oblivion. Then there's the latte itself, which is genuinely Bond-like in appearance. Someone, presumably an employee of the aviation company Jetex, worked really hard on that.

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I have now watched the video on a loop close to 70 times, which is the correct number of times. Each visit brings fresh joys: the weirdly textured silver saucer, Brosnan's weird eyebrow thing, Latte Brosnan looking briefly like The Joker when its mouth dissolves. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

If you've had a bad week online, which you have, I recommend you watch it for as long as it takes to feel better. Maybe you will be watching it forever! But that's not such a bad life.

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