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Tiniest feminist held up a very important sign at the Women's March

2024-09-23 21:18:20 [关于我们] 来源:影视网站起名字

Armed with love, pink hats and clever signs, women across the globe marched in solidarity on Saturday to fight for the right to their bodies, minds and choices.

Jenny Sowry and her husband took their 22-month-old daughter and 9-year-old son to march and shared photos of the day on Facebook.

"The idea of not marching as a family never came up. I didn’t feel that there was any issue with safety", Sowry told Mashable. "The atmosphere was very family friendly."

SEE ALSO:At least 1,000 more buses ask to park for Women's March than Trump's inauguration

"There were a number of causes championed that day, the concerns were wide and varied," Sowry said. "For my son, it was the idea that all people are equal and deserving of respect."

Her daughter's sign, though, was a bit less planned.

Mashable ImageSowry's daughter and her signCredit: Jenny Sowry

Sowry explained that after they had finished their signs, her son asked if his little sister would also have one to hold. As they were discussing the idea, she looked down and discovered her daughter scribbling on a piece of cardboard, following in her family's footsteps.

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"We decided that she clearly had something to share and that whatever it was, it meant more to her than anything we might choose on her behalf," she said.

After her Facebook friend Shawn Lent shared Sowry's photo, it quickly spread beyond anything she could imagine.

"We didn’t intend it to be a statement, just a way for her to feel included and part of what was going on", she stated.

The majority of responses to the image have been positive, Sowry said, with the occasional politically driven comment here and there.

People on Twitter felt completely inspired by this young feminist's desire to make a statement and have named her #WokeBaby:

Regarding what example she hopes to set for her children by marching, Sowry's sentiment is clear.

"Whether or not our children grow up to share our political beliefs or not, we want them to feel comfortable in standing up for whatever it is they think is right," she said. "We are trying to raise them to speak up for themselves and what they believe in. A part of that is learning to express themselves in a peaceful manner. The Women's March on Charlotte was a wonderful way to experience that firsthand."

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