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Pete Souza slams Trump's 'nuclear button' tweet

2024-09-22 10:33:23 [行业动态] 来源:影视网站起名字

Pete Souza is back with more Instaburns for Donald Trump, after the latest scary-beyond-all-reason tweet from the president.

The former Chief Official White House Photographer during the Obama administration, Souza has posted two images on Instagram in response to President Trump's boast on Twitter that his "nuclear button" was bigger than the one apparently on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's desk.

SEE ALSO:Twitter says Trump's nuclear button tweet doesn't violate its rules against abusive behavior

Souza posted two images on Instagram directly after Trump's tweet, captioned with some pretty obvious digs at the president.

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Souza followed his first post up with this direct hit:

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Souza has a long track record of social media jabs at Trump. In September, when Trump referred to Kim Jong-un as "Rocket Man" in a tweet, Souza responded with an Instagram post of the only "Rocket Man" in President Obama's life.

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In August, Trump issued a rather aggressive verbal threat to Kim Jong-un, warning if the North Korea were to take military action against the U.S., "They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen." Souza abandoned his primary medium of trolling, Instagram, to post a tweet concerning Twitter's harassment policy.

And yes, this comes from the same Twitter Rules that Trump's "nuclear button" tweets have apparently not violated.

Look, is 2018 over yet?

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