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Top players get better treatment at Wimbledon: Cornet

2024-09-23 01:30:20 [关于我们] 来源:影视网站起名字

Lower-ranked players are not treated as equals to the big names at Wimbledon, France's former world number 11 Alize Cornet said on Thursday after losing in the second round.

Cornet's 16th Wimbledon was ended by defending champion Elena Rybakina as she suffered a 6-2 7-6(2) defeat. The 33-year-old, now ranked 74th and playing in a women's professional era record 66th successive Grand Slam, said she noticed the difference at the All England Club this year.

"It's a different treatment on every Slam," she said. "When I'm at home, in Roland Garros, I have priorities over the courts, I know everybody, I can ask when I want to play.

"I think the organisation does everything for the French player to be successful there. Then in Wimbledon, you have a huge difference between the seeded players and the other players. This is not new. The difference of treatment and tickets."

Asked to elaborate, Cornet said she had only been given two tickets for her first round victory on an outside court but had received 40 for her match against Rybakina on Centre Court – not surprisingly perhaps as Centre Court has 15,000 seats.

"That explains everything," Cornet told reporters. "Nobody could come. I couldn't even invite one of my best friends who was there. Two tickets on the outside court, it's too little. You need to give a little more credit to players that play on the outside courts. This tournament exists because of all the players, not only the ones that play on the big courts."

The US Open and Australian Open were fairer, according to Cornet, but she said the best way to receive priority treatment was to climb higher up the rankings. "Of course you're a bit more comfortable when you're a better player, but that's how society works. The better you are and the more advantage you get. That's how it works" she said.

Reuters has contacted the Wimbledon organisers for comment.


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