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U.S. Vice President Joe Biden to speak at the 2016 Social Good Summit

2024-09-22 01:36:22 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will be speaking at the 2016 Social Good Summit, a two-day conference examining the impact of technology and new media on global social good initiatives.

In his time as vice president, Biden has used his 36 years of experience in the U.S. Senate to advise President Obama on matters of international diplomacy. Domestically, Biden has led efforts to reform on-the-job training programs and build a more sustainable economy through the Ready to Work Initiative. A staunch advocate against domestic violence, Biden helped reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and launched the "It's On Us" campaign to prevent sexual assault on college campuses.

During his 2016 State of the Union address, Obama announced that Biden would lead the National Cancer Moonshot, an initiative seeking to "accelerate progress in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment."

"It’s personal for me." Biden said. "But it’s also personal for nearly every American, and millions of people around the world."

At this year's Social Good Summit, Biden will be speaking about the Initiative and advocating for a more globalized effort to finding a cure for cancer.

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Created by Mashable, the United Nations Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme and the 92nd Street Y, the Social Good Summit brings together world leaders, activists and innovators to address the greatest challenges of our time. Biden will join an esteemed group of speakers, including Apple's Lisa Jackson and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power at the 92nd Street Y. To view the full lineup of speakers, visit mashable.com/sgs.

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The Summit, scheduled for September 18 and 19, is open to the public, and tickets are still available for purchase!

Members of the press who are interested in covering the Social Good Summit are welcome to apply for admission to the Digital Media Lounge, an area designated for global journalists and bloggers to cover the conversations and activity happening on site.

For more updates, including speaker announcements and event details, follow @MashableEvents on Twitter.

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TopicsSocial GoodJoe Biden


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