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North Korea threatens China, too: Moon

2024-09-21 17:50:40 [行业动态] 来源:影视网站起名字
By Kim Rahn

South Korean President delivers a speech at Peking University in Beijing during his <strong></strong>state visit to China, Friday. / Yonhap
South Korean President delivers a speech at Peking University in Beijing during his state visit to China, Friday. / Yonhap
BEIJING ― North Korea's nuclear and missile provocations are threats to the peace of not only South Korea but also China, President Moon Jae-in said Friday.

In a speech to students of Peking University during his state visit to China, Moon said he hopes Seoul and Beijing can resolve the security problem in Northeast Asia which has mainly arisen from Pyongyang's nuclear ambition.

"North Korea test-fired 15 ballistic missiles this year alone as well as conducted its sixth nuclear test, and the recently launched intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) have become a serious threat to the peace of the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia and the entire world," he said.

"The nuclear and missile issue is not a problem only for South Korea; China borders North Korea, and the North's nuclear development and the consequent rising tensions in the region threaten the peace and development of China as well."

Moon said Seoul and Beijing won't tolerate Pyongyang's nuclear armament and firmly agreed strong sanctions and pressure are required to prevent its provocations.

"We also share the view there should never be a war on the peninsula again and the North Korea issue must be addressed peacefully through dialogue," he said.

"If South Korea and China make joint efforts with a common goal, we will be able to overcome any difficulties in achieving peace on the peninsula and in Northeast Asia."

He said South Korea and China have had relations for thousands of years, and students of the two nations still study each other's country. "Development of the relations has helped people of the two countries have better lives and contributed to cooperation, co-prosperity and peace among Northeast Asian countries," Moon said.

The two nations' trade and economic cooperation have grown a lot for the last 25 years but the potential for further growth is limitless, he said.

"Some say the two nations are economic rivals and China's growth may become a threat to South Korea's economy. But I do not think so; as we've witnessed throughout the long history, I believe the two nations are a group sharing a common destiny and one country's prosperity leads to that of the other, and vice versa."

He called for strategic cooperation in policies, such as linking Chinese President Xi Jinping's "One Belt, One Road" initiative and his "New Northern Policy" and "New Southern Policy," all of which seek economic cooperation from Asia to Europe.

Moon said he would help young people in South Korea and China cooperate in research and development of projects related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and drones.

Stressing communication and understanding between the two nations, he said he gave Xi a calligraphy work of a Chinese character meaning "communication" as a gift during their meeting the previous day.


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