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Ina Garten's ridiculous cocktail recipe is perfect for quarantine

2024-09-22 18:22:12 [行业动态] 来源:影视网站起名字

Ina Garten has the perfect quarantine cocktail because basically it's a whole mess of booze.

She posted a video of her cosmo recipe to Instagram on Wednesday and, frankly, it's delightful, even if The Barefoot Contessa... isn't exactly her normal self.

"During these stressful times, it's important to keep traditions alive," she says. "And my favorite tradition is the cocktail hour. So I'm going to make you my favorite cosmopolitan and you probably have all the ingredients right in your house."

If you've ever watched Garten on her Food Network show, you're familiar with her whole vibe. She creates simple, delicious recipes using only the best ingredients from her home in the Hamptons. Her most recent video... isn't exactly that.

Garten walks through making a massive pitcher of cosmos — "you never know who is going to stop by... wait... nobody is going to stop by" — with, let's say, generous pours of Grey Goose vodka and Cointreau.

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Throughout the video, Garten cracks jokes of sorts about quarantine, including "during a crisis, you know, cocktail hour can be almost any hour."

It's a bit of a departure from Garten's usual polished nature, but fitting nonetheless during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

The whole video ends with a gag from Garten.

"The last detail is really important: a good martini glass," she says. "I'll show you the one I like."

Garten pulls out a massive glass — we're talking Big Gulp sized — and pours herself a big ol' drink.

"Doesn't that look fabulous?" she asks. "Nice and cold. And lots of it."


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