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[From the scene] Dec. 3 anti

2024-09-23 06:22:39 [行业动态] 来源:影视网站起名字

Around 1.6 million South Koreans rallied near the presidential office north of Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul to demand the ouster of scandal-ridden President Park Geun-hye on Saturday.
Here are some of the photos featuring one of the biggest, but most peaceful protests in the country. A protester wears a chicken costume to make fun of President Park while marching towards the presidential office. (Bak Se-hwan/The Korea Herald)A protester wears a chicken costume to make fun of President Park while marching towards the presidential office. (Bak Se-hwan/The Korea Herald)

At 3 p.m., protesters gather at Gwanghwamun Square before marching toward the presidential office (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)At 3 p.m., protesters gather at Gwanghwamun Square before marching toward the presidential office (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)

A satirical replica of President Park Geun-hye with a rope tied around her and some logos of conglomerates related to the scandal. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)A satirical replica of President Park Geun-hye with a rope tied around her and some logos of conglomerates related to the scandal. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)
Near the presidential office, protester shows a satirical banner featuring Chung Yoo-ra, the daughter of President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil. She was illegally admitted to Ewha Womans University on the back of her mother's status. (Bak Se-hwan/The Korea Hrald)Near the presidential office, protester shows a satirical banner featuring Chung Yoo-ra, the daughter of President Park's confidante Choi Soon-sil. She was illegally admitted to Ewha Womans University on the back of her mother's status. (Bak Se-hwan/The Korea Hrald)
A protester in an oversize costume bears a banner on his back that reads A protester in an oversize costume bears a banner on his back that reads "Resign" near City Hall ahead of the main event held at 6 p.m. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)
Hyundai Motor Chairman Chung Mong-koo faces public criticism after it was revealed that the group made donations to controversial foundations controlled by Choi Soon-sil at the Gwanghwamun Square. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)Hyundai Motor Chairman Chung Mong-koo faces public criticism after it was revealed that the group made donations to controversial foundations controlled by Choi Soon-sil at the Gwanghwamun Square. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)

A street vendor sells candles for the rally near near the Gwanghwamun Square. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)A street vendor sells candles for the rally near near the Gwanghwamun Square. (Ock Hyun-ju/The Korea Herald)
Some 500,000 rotestors march towards the presidential office in the afternoon to demand President Park Geun-hye's resignation. (Bak Se-hwan/The Korea Herald)Some 500,000 rotestors march towards the presidential office in the afternoon to demand President Park Geun-hye's resignation. (Bak Se-hwan/The Korea Herald)  
Protestors tear apart the flag of the ruling Saenuri Party during the rally held at 2 p.m. near its head office in southwestern Seoul. (Yonhap)Protestors tear apart the flag of the ruling Saenuri Party during the rally held at 2 p.m. near its head office in southwestern Seoul. (Yonhap)
Loyal fans of President Park Geun-hye stage a counter rally in front of Dongdaemun Design Plaza in central Seoul, criticizing anti-Park protestors. (Yonhap)Loyal fans of President Park Geun-hye stage a counter rally in front of Dongdaemun Design Plaza in central Seoul, criticizing anti-Park protestors. (Yonhap)

Main roads in central Seoul turned into a sea of candlelights during the anti-government rally, with some 1.6 million people in attendance. (Yonhap)Main roads in central Seoul turned into a sea of candlelights during the anti-government rally, with some 1.6 million people in attendance. (Yonhap)


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