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How much will PCB's Champions Cup mentors be paid?

2024-09-22 14:18:55 [关于我们] 来源:影视网站起名字
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The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has appointed five distinguished mentors for the upcoming Champions One-Day Cup, scheduled to begin on 11th September as part of the Men’s Domestic Cricket Season 2024-25.

These new additions will enhance the existing domestic cricket calendar, which includes the National T20 Cup, Quaid-e-Azam Trophy, President’s Trophy, President’s Cup, and HBL Pakistan Super League 2025.

Misbah-ul-Haq, Saqlain Mushtaq, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Shoaib Malik, and Waqar Younis will serve as mentors under three-year contracts following a rigorous and transparent recruitment process.

According to the details, each mentor will receive an annual amount of 5 million rupees, totaling 15 million rupees over the three-year term.

These seasoned cricket stars will play a crucial role in identifying and nurturing emerging talent, with a focus on strengthening the national team’s future prospects.

Each Champions Cup team will be supported by a 10-member staff, which includes a head coach, assistant coach, manager and others. The PCB is particularly optimistic about Saqlain Mushtaq’s involvement, as the country is currently facing a shortage of spinners. Mushtaq’s expertise is expected to address this issue effectively.

Waqar Younis has recently stepped down from his role as advisor to the chairman.

Sources indicate that he was drawn to a mentoring position, which provides flexibility with no stringent office hours and offers attractive salary for only a few days of work.

Meanwhile, Sarfaraz Ahmed will remain available for the national team and can be summoned when required. Shoaib Malik has yet to officially retire and continues to play in leagues; however, he will also be accessible for his team during the domestic event.


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