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UN panel OKs sanctions waiver for US civic group's aid to North Korea

2024-09-23 22:26:13 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字
This <strong></strong>file photo taken on Feb. 28, shows a general view of the United Nations Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters in New York City. AFP-Yonhap
This file photo taken on Feb. 28, shows a general view of the United Nations Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters in New York City. AFP-Yonhap

A United Nations Security Council committee on North Korea sanctions has approved a sanctions exemption for a U.S.-based aid group to send spine-related rehabilitation equipment to the impoverished country, its website showed Wednesday.

Under the decision, Ignis Community will be exempt from U.N. sanctions to send medical and rehabilitation equipment for the Pyongyang Spine and Rehabilitation Centre.

The equipment, which includes decompression tables, treadmills and electric hospital beds, is worth a total of $506,408.

The U.N. panel, tasked with overseeing sanctions measures imposed against the North, issued the approval on Aug. 12 and the exemption will be effective for nine months.

It remains unclear when the equipment will be delivered to the North as the reclusive country maintains strict border controls against COVID-19. (Yonhap)


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