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The Razer Zephyr Pro adds voice amplification to its light

2024-09-23 08:19:49 [资讯] 来源:影视网站起名字

This mask is quite literally lit.

On Wednesday, Razer debuted the Pro version of its Zephyr mask. The Razer Zephyris a transparent mask with fans and two-way air filters that’s also equipped with customizable party-ready lighting. The Pro versionadds voice amplification to the mask so everyone will be able to hear you when you say how much you love this song.

The Zephyr is based on a concept Razer showcasedat CES 2021, when Covid-tech was all the rage. The actual version has straps that go around the head, not the ears as was envisioned for the concept. What with the lighting and the batteries and the fans, there was probably a bit too much hardware for ear straps.

A side view of the Razer Zephyr Pro shows head straps.These straps do the heavy lifting.Credit: Razer

The lighting on the outside of the mask changes colors, which you can control with an app. There are also interior lights to illuminate your face, so everyone can actually see through the transparent mask, which Razer says has an “anti-fog coating.”

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Actually making the mask useful for preventing the spread of Covid requires changing out N95 filters, which Razer sells on its site. 

The Zephyr is already available to buy for $99. The Zephyr Pro’s release date will be sometime in 2022, and Razer has not shared pricing information yet.

UPDATE: Jan. 10, 2022, 9:45 a.m. PST Razer has removed language from its website describing its filters as N95s. The change comes following criticism on social media claiming that Razer did not actually get NIOSH certification for its filters. The website now specifies "The Razer Zephyr and Zephyr Pro are not certified N95 masks, medical devices, respirators, surgical masks, or personal protective equipment (PPE)." This story is developing.

UPDATE: Jan. 10, 2022, 10:45 a.m. PST Razer issued the following statement to Mashable."Razer would like to clarify that while the filters used in the Razer Zephyr Wearable Air Purifier have been tested for 95% Particulate Filtration Efficiency (PFE) and 99% Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE), per the statements on the website and documentation for the product, the wearable by itself is not a medical device nor certified as an N95 mask.To avoid any confusion, we are in the process of removing all references to “N95 Grade Filter” from our marketing material. We will also directly reach out shortly to existing customers to clarify. Customers with any further questions about the Razer Zephyr Wearable Air Purifier should contact our Customer Service at https://support.razer.com/."

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